Vibrating shapes : Design and evolution of a spatial augmented reality interface for actuated instruments
Cagan Arslan, Florent Berthaut, Anthony Beuchey, Paul Cambourian, and Arthur Paté
Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
- Year: 2022
- Location: The University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Article Number: 34
- DOI: 10.21428/92fbeb44.c28dd323 (Link to paper)
- PDF link
- Presentation Video
In this paper we propose a Spatial Augmented Reality interface for actuated acoustic instruments with active vibration control. We adopt a performance-led research approach to design augmentations throughout multiple residences. The resulting system enables two musicians to improvise with four augmented instruments through virtual shapes distributed in their peripheral space: two 12-string guitars and 1 drum kit actuated with surface speakers and a trumpet attached to an air compressor. Using ethnographic methods, we document the evolution of the augmentations and conduct a thematic analysis to shine a light on the collaborative and iterative design process. In particular, we provide insights on the opportunities brought by Spatial AR and on the role of improvisation.
Cagan Arslan, Florent Berthaut, Anthony Beuchey, Paul Cambourian, and Arthur Paté. 2022. Vibrating shapes : Design and evolution of a spatial augmented reality interface for actuated instruments. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. DOI: 10.21428/92fbeb44.c28dd323
BibTeX Entry
@inproceedings{NIME22_34, abstract = {In this paper we propose a Spatial Augmented Reality interface for actuated acoustic instruments with active vibration control. We adopt a performance-led research approach to design augmentations throughout multiple residences. The resulting system enables two musicians to improvise with four augmented instruments through virtual shapes distributed in their peripheral space: two 12-string guitars and 1 drum kit actuated with surface speakers and a trumpet attached to an air compressor. Using ethnographic methods, we document the evolution of the augmentations and conduct a thematic analysis to shine a light on the collaborative and iterative design process. In particular, we provide insights on the opportunities brought by Spatial AR and on the role of improvisation.}, address = {The University of Auckland, New Zealand}, articleno = {34}, author = {Arslan, Cagan and Berthaut, Florent and Beuchey, Anthony and Cambourian, Paul and Pat{\'{e}}, Arthur}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression}, doi = {10.21428/92fbeb44.c28dd323}, issn = {2220-4806}, month = {jun}, pdf = {30.pdf}, presentation-video = {}, title = {Vibrating shapes : Design and evolution of a spatial augmented reality interface for actuated instruments}, url = {}, year = {2022} }